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Nature Inspired… Ethically Developed

RSCN’s handicraft workshops are part of the socioeconomic development program for local communities. Eighteen handicraft workshops have been set up in the past decade and are currently operated and managed by RSCN. The eighteen workshops are located in and around different RSCN managed nature reserves in an effort to spread benefits to different underprivileged local communities.

These workshops help to conserve nature by providing new sources of income and employment for families in villages near to nature reserves to reduce their dependency on the reserves’ natural resources. Our workshops use the natural assets of protected areas to create sustainable economic and social benefits for local communities. Over 60 local women have been empowered through the workshops by providing them with employment, and are helping to alleviate poverty in areas that offer few other employment opportunities. These thriving handicraft enterprises are making conservation important to the lives of local communities by providing alternatives to hunting, overgrazing and a number of other threats to wildlife habitats in Jordan.

These nature-inspired businesses create distinctive handmade products that are sold at RSCN Nature Shops, which are located at Wild Jordan Center, Ajloun Forest Reserve, Dana Biosphere Reserve, and Ayla Oasis. 

The unique and high-quality products are wonderful as souvenirs, gifts or to decorate your home, and can be customized for corporate and large orders.

Click here to view our products at Nature Shop!