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The Nature Knight Program is an innovative Environmental Education Program known as "Nature Knight" (NK) which is considered to be a way of communication with students in order to have a greater influence in terms of reserves management challenges. The Jordanian Junior Ranger program, the NK, was founded by the RSCN, and it has won various international awards. The program is divided into five cycles, with the vision statement “Children of the local communities around PAs will become crucial vanguards in the changing of community perceptions of the PAs and commitment to conservation”. The program's five learning cycles prepare the learner to be a specialist Nature Knight in one of the reserve's theme duties. The participant could select an area of interest, such as being a researcher (flora, fauna, bird watcher), a ranger, eco-tourism officer, or an education officer. This comprehensive program includes a unique curriculum as well as all of the tools/equipment required for field researchers to accomplish their ecological study. The program aims to influence students' attitudes about nature and the environment as a whole, with the objective of changing their behavior in favor of nature. Participants in the program are considered ambassadors for the RSCN's environmental preservation and conservation mission.