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Law Enforcement:

The Agriculture Law No. (56) for the year 2015: Protection of Wild Birds and Wild Animals

-A-The Minister shall issue instructions to regulate the protection of wild birds and wild animals, the hunting and trade thereof, and sale of ornamental fish, all in conformity with the provisions of international conventions relevant to the protection of wild birds and wild animals, including the following:

1- Setting out the conditions applicable on granting hunting licenses and as well as setting out the fees applicable on hunting licenses and the entities entrusted with the authority of granting licenses and collecting the applicable fees.

2- Setting out the areas were hunting is permitted and the timing of such hunting.

3- Specifying the types of wild birds and wild animals the hunting, possession, transfer, sale, or offer for sale of which is prohibited.

4- Specifying the types of wild birds and wild animals that can be traded and the conditions applicable on the licensing of places of trading in such wild birds and ornamental fish.

5- Setting out the technical and hygienic conditions that need to be observed by zoos.

6- Setting out the conditions applicable on the possession of laboratory animals, and the protection, nutrition, transportation, treatment, and use thereof in scientific experiments.

B- The Minister shall form a specialized committee for conversing wild fauna and flora; the decision forming such committee shall specify the duties and the method of operation thereof.

C- Following shall be forbidden:

1- Hunting wild birds and wild animals without a license, and hunting in areas where or in times when hunting is forbidden.

2- Admission of wild birds and wild animals to the Kingdom, or exiting the same, whether dead or alive, unless the approval of the Minister is obtained.

3- Killing, possessing, transporting, selling or offering for sale wild birds and wild animals.

4- Hunting birds of prey and ferocious wild animals in any method except after attaining the approval of the Minister.

5- Tampering with the dens of wild animals and nests of wild birds, catching or damaging the birds thereof or injuring its chicks.

6- Use of vehicles, spotlights, and automatic weapons in hunting wild birds and wild animals.

7- Hunting wild animals using a rifle other than a hunting rifle, except for the animals that the Minister specifies.

8- Use of glues or adhesive materials in hunting wild birds.

9- Using toxic materials or narcotic drugs in killing or hunting wild birds and wild animals notwithstanding justification.

10- Making traps of any kind, use of deceiving tools such as flags, animal skin, calling device, or making deceit tools such as kiosks and cages to catch wild birds and wild animals.

11- Hunting from telecommunication or electric current cables within the boundaries of municipalities, village councils, inhibited agricultural areas or inhibited areas within pastoral reserves, natural reserves, or near the camps of Jordan Armed Forces.

12- Cruelty on animals.

D-1 Any person who breaches any of the provisions of items (1), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), and (12) of Paragraph (C) of this Article shall be penalized with a fine of no less than One Hundred Dinars and no more than Three Hundred Dinars.

2- Any person who breaches the provisions of Item (2) of Paragraph (C) of this Article shall be penalized with a fine of no less than two Hundred Dinars and No more than One thousand Dinars.

3- Any person who breaches the provisions of Item (3) or (4) of Paragraph (C) of this Article shall be penalized with a fine of no less than Two Hundred Fifty Dinars and no more than One Thousand Dinars.

E- Wild birds and wild animals the hunting of which is forbidden shall be classified as per the degree of their protection into three lists in accordance with a bylaw to be issued for this purpose, any person who hunts any wild bird pr wild animal listed in the lists shall be subject to the following penalties:

1- Imprisonment for four months and fine of two thousand Dinars for each wild bird or wild animal hunted if the same is listed in the first list.

2- Imprisonment for three months and fine of one thousand Dinars for each wild bird or wild animal hunted if the same is listed in second list.

3- Imprisonment for one months and fine of one hundred Dinars for each wild bird or wild animal hunted if the same is listed in the third list.

F- Any person who hunts without a license an endangered wild bird or an endangered wild animal not mentioned in the lists issued pursuant to the bylaw provided for in Paragraph (E) of this Article, except wild boar, shall be penalized with imprisonment for seven days and a fine of Twenty Five Dinars per each wild bird or wild animal being hunted.

G- In addition to the penalties provided for in this Article, wild birds, wild animals, tools, and materials used for hunting shall be confiscated.

H- In case the breach of this Article is repeated within a year of the date of commission, the applicable fine shall be doubled, in addition to the other penalties as provided in this Article.