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As the last gateway before entering Africa and the first upon its return, Aqaba Bird Observatory is an environmental masterpiece that utilizes treated water to create vital habitats for birds to rest during their journey along the second most important bird migration route in the world. Jordan serves as a strategic point connecting Asia and Africa.

Within its aquatic, wooded, and desert environments, various bird species find refuge to rest and replenish their energy, enabling them to continue their migratory journey in both the autumn and spring seasons each year. A total of 271 bird species have been recorded at Aqaba Bird Observatory, representing over 61% of the recorded species in the kingdom as a whole.

To experience a unique encounter in the embrace of nature, and observing diverse and beautiful bird species, do not miss the opportunity to visit Aqaba Bird Observatory during spring, autumn, and winter when the warmth of Aqaba makes the birds content in this place.