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His Majesty King Abdullah II laid the foundation stone of a specialized Academy for training on the protection of nature and sustainable development near Ajloun Forest Reserve in 2010. HRH Crown Prince Hussein inaugurated the Academy in 2015. The academy is “the first center in the Arab world” specialized in offering training on nature conservation. The Academy was funded by USAID in 2010

Regional Reserve Leaders Forum (Reserve Management)

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Specialized training programs for Ecotourism in nature reserves


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conservation of nature trainings


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Handicraft trainings


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Organizations Management trainings


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Create more job opportunities
The Academy was conceived on the basis of a clear, perceived need for new and better trained employees in the eco / adventure tourism fields and in environmental monitoring, ranger services and policing

Academy facilities
The academy covers an area of ​​about 3,000 square meters and includes the following facilities:
Training Rooms
Training halls, conference hall, medical clinic, equipment warehouse and accommodation for the academy staff.
Socio-economic projects
Social and economic projects, including the biscuit house, the honey house, the soap house, and the medicinal and aromatic herbs cafe
The Oak Restaurant
A restaurant that can accommodate more than 300 visitors, which will qualify the academy to become one of the attractions for families and tourist groups in Ajloun Governorate.
Adventure games arenas
Adventure games arenas that include rope games, giant swings, climbing walls, and mountain descents
Environmentally friendly construction

In the design of the academy, it was taken into consideration that its building should be environmentally friendly by taking into account several factors, the foremost among them being: 

  • The building was built on an old quarry site, so that the construction works to address an existing environmental problem, and the site’s stones were used in the construction.
  • Thermal insulation: Walls and glass are insulated to save energy in summer and winter.
  • Using the (Geothermal) system to heat and cool the academy building using the heat of the earth.
  • Using solar energy to heat water.
Multiple training and entertainment programs
# The program Target group
1 The recreational and light training programs will mostly be developed at the end of the week and for a few hours only. Examples: landscape painting, photography, yoga, rock climbing for beginners. For families and visitors to the area
2 Short training programs (one day to one week). It will mostly focus on basic skills in nature conservation and socio-economic development. Examples: principles of nature protection, principles of ecotourism, principles of conservation management, principles of environmental education. For technicians working in nature protection programs.
3 Specialized Training Programs: The duration of these programs ranges from one to three months, and aims to build graduates specialized in the fields of training. Examples: biodiversity, socio-economic development, reserves management, indication and tourist guidance in natural areas. Professionals or beginners who wish to develop their skills in these areas.
4 Training programs based on demand: The Academy will provide training programs and survey tours in specialized topics based on the request of the participants For specialists or decision-makers working in the field of nature protection
Partnerships with important global institutes
The most important global partnerships of the Society in developing the Academy’s programs:
Natural Conservation Academy of Germany
It works with the association to develop training programs on topics of biodiversity and socio-economic development.
University of Montana, USA
It works with the association to develop training programs in the areas of protected areas management.
Nature Guides Association of South Africa
It works with the association to develop training programs on guide and tourist guides in natural areas.
German Hans Seidel Foundation
Since its inception on April 11, 1967, with a political educational work with the aim of promoting "democratic and civic education.