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RSCN Mission
"RSCN will create, manage and advocate for a national network of protected areas to conserve Jordan’s biodiversity and support local community development, while promoting wider public support and action for the protection of the natural environment within Jordan and neighboring countries.”
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) is an independent national organization devoted to the conservation of Jordan's natural resources. RSCN was established in 1966 with His Majesty the late King Hussein as the Honorary President. RSCN has been given the responsibility by the government to care for and protect the Kingdom’s biodiversity. As such, it is one of the few national organizations in the Middle East to be granted such a public mandate. RSCN has gained a wide global fame for its pioneering work in integrating nature conservation programmes with socio-economic development.

As a result of its pioneering conservation work, RSCN has achieved international recognition and acclaim. Managing the nature resources of Jordan is done by setting up protected areas to safeguard the best wildlife and scenic areas as well as breeding endangered species to save them from extinction. In addition to enforcing governmental laws to protect wildlife, controlling illegal hunting, and raising awareness of environmental issues through educational programs. Ultimately, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.

In its short but rich history, RSCN has attained many achievements. The foremost of which is establishing ten protected areas covering over 4656 square kilometers. These areas comprise of wild plants, animals, and other natural resources, while including some of the finest natural landscapes in the country.

The successful captive breeding of the magnificent endangered Arabian Oryx, gazelle and ibex and their re-introduction into the wilderness is considered as a pioneering step of conservational activity in the region. Hence, controlling illegal hunting throughout the Kingdom to preserve these wondrous creatures.

RSCN has also set up over 1000 Nature Conservation Clubs in schools to raise the children's awareness regarding environmental issues, by making them practically involved in conservation activities and projects.

Finally, RSCN has designed and developed large-scale conservation programs to integrate environmental protection with the socio-economic development of local people.